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Kray Z Comics and Stories 657: November 2024 Previews

Every month, Joe and Cory!! go through Previews to highlight comics coming in the future. This time, they go through Previews for comics shipping in January 2024 and beyond, point out the new, the collected and the interesting for YOU to bother your comic shop about!

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 607: 2023 Free Comic Book Day Reviews

On Free Comic Book Day, Cory!! And Joe went out into the world in search of comic books and came back with a LOT of them.  This week, we get the stories of their travels and reviews of some of the books they bought.

Free comic book day reviews

  • I am Stan
  • Animal Castle
  • The Last Comics On Earth
  • The Sacrificers
  • Uncanny Avengers
  • Seismic Stories
  • Knight Terrors
  • Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers
  • Star Trek
  • Frazettaverse
  • Retro Reviews:

    Marvel Spotlight #3
  • Nug 1 and 2

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A Rare Blog Post full of thanks as the Road to #250 continues!

Tomorrow, I release episode #250 of Kray Z Comics and Stories.   Add in the solo podcasts of myself and Joe Rider, we’ve got over 500 hours of audio. Damn. When we started this silliness back in 2010, I had no idea where we were going with it and the fact that we’re where we are amazes me. I want to dole out some thanks:

To my heterosexual life partner, my brother from another mother, and co-host Joe Rider. You’ve always been there, you offer great ideas, bring the funny and without you, there is no podcast.

To my best friend in the whole known universe, Jin Wicked. You are a fun addition to the show, have sent us off in new directions, brought in new listeners, remind me just how much I love working on creative things with you and so much more.

To Dan Mohr, you are always fun to have on the show, you fit in perfectly when we want to celebrate and always bring laughter. Not just your own infectious laugh, but you make me laugh like a damn fool.

To Butch, you have always been a great addition to anything we do, and when you are on the show, you bring that geeky joy and love of all comics. It’s amazing having you back and I wish you’d be around every time, just like when we were in the shop, I looked forward to the days you hung out with us.  BE ON THE DAMN SHOW MORE!!!

To Terrance Griep, you broke my interview cherry! Thanks for being my first and being such a pal over the years. You made it so easy I interview people all the damn time now!

Kat Rocha and Josh Finney – You guys are AWESOME! You took me seriously, brought great conversation and in more ways than I can say, gave us a kick up a couple of levels by not just doing an interview, but helping me learn more about my craft in doing this. YOU were the ones who helped people take what we do seriously.

Patrick McEvoy – Not only did you do what Kat and Josh did, but sitting with you to do the commentary of Kirby took an idea I had and made it into something very cool. I’ll talk funny books with you any time.

Matt Brundage – Not only are you a great artist, but a wonderfully cool individual with great stories and helped the podcast gain more popularity and prestige, and I can’t thank you enough.

Peter Rios – your advice has always been spot on, your encouragement has been invaluable and the clarity you bring to this weird field of comics podcasting is a guiding light. You are the Comics Podcasting Godfather and I am grateful you’ve always been quick to help when I have a question.

I can’t go on and on about everyone I have had on, but, trust me, I am grateful to each and every person who has sat down to share their story with us. Everyone has stories and yours have been fascinating.

And finally, the people who listen, e-mail, tweet, review, share and everything else: I am your humble servant. Without you, it’s just Joe and I blathering about comic books, and I am incredible grateful to each and every one of you. When you tell me that our podcast is your driving companion, helped you find a new comic, made you laugh, got you through a tough time or just gave you something fun to listen to, it means the world to me.

And now, things get bigger. Saturday and Sunday, we livestream a convention. This summer, we’ve got all kinds of great stuff coming, including some big time interviews, more freaking and geeking, more shenanigans and, as always, much, much more!

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Hello world!

This is the home of Kray Z Comics and Stories, and upcoming podcast from Joe “Kray Z” Rider and Cory!! Strode, the best dressed man in comics.  Bookmark the site and stay tuned, because it’s starting sooner than you think!

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