Monthly Archives: April 2016

Kray Z Comics and Stories 245: Three Chains of Kray

It’s a different kind of episode as Joe and Cory!! talk more about their personal lives than what is going on in comics. Joe has had a death in the family, and a pair of celebrates have passed away, so they discuss Prince and Chyna with their connections to comics. It’s not ALL sad news (but there is some serious discussion here and not the normal ha-ha tickle party. They also discuss:

  • They review the first volume of Image Comics’s Paper Girls
  • We begin with an Ask The Strode
  • Cory!!’s opinion on the recent Stan Lee comic biography
  • Cory!! rants about addiction
  • How the Local Alternative paper has chosen the best Comic Shop in the Twin Cities
  • How to prepare your collection for your loved ones to take care of when you pass away

There’s also Freaking and Geeking and the proverbial much, much more!

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Solitaire Rose Radio 55: Interview With Artist Paul Fricke

Artist Paul Fricke sits down with Cory!! to talk about getting into self-publishing in the mid-80’s with Trollords, moving the series to other publishers, moving to working at DC and then to the corporate world and tons of things in-between. Paul talks about becoming a teacher, a children’s book author, starting a new series of all-ages comics. Paul also talks about how his art has changed over time, how a near death experience has changed his life and much more in this wide-ranging interview.

Paul’s links:

Official Alex Toth site (which Paul helps run):

Paul’s Alex Toth blog:

Art & Blog:


Cartoon Jam – All Ages Comics:

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 244: Get This Back In Print!

Cory!! starts with an interview with the creator of The Lalas, a burleque group who is putting out a comic book based on the group. It’s available here:

And in the rest of the episode starts with a review of Through the Habitrails by Jeff Nicholson.  They then discuss comics from the past that SHOULD be reprinted that haven’t been printed in a while. They also discuss:

  • Jin gives a few suggestions for funny comics on the internet
  • Why the L’il Abner reprints are annoying for Joe and Cory!!
  • GREAT comic strip reprints
  • Joe and Jin fight over who can make the most background noise
  • Sad News goes over a BUNCH of comic cancellations
  • Marvel emptying the warehouses leads to a Tales From The Shop story from Joe
  • Jin announcing she is going to Jin, in much the same way that we will let Bartlett be Bartlett.

Freaking and Geeking, the usual shenanigans and the typical much, much more!

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Solitaire Rose Radio 54: Cartoonist Conspiracy

Cory!! dropped by the Cartoonist Conspiracy, which is a get-together for comics artists of all level of experience to get together and put together a Jam comic. He sat down with some of them to talk about the gathering itself, their own art and whatever else came up as he munched on grilled cheese, drank Earl Gray and they drew a comic about “When I was 13 and the cops showed up”.

The finished book is available here:

The artists interviewed and this websites are:

Latham Luepke

Steve Stwually

Ty Randolph – who is not on the internet with her art yet.

O. L. Laditan

Dave Sandberg

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Solitaire Rose Radio 53: Jack Kirby 1987 – Now

Cory!! concludes his audio biography of Jack Kirby by covering Kirby’s latter years, the on-going legacy of Kirby and how reprints of his work keep his brilliance available for new readers!

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 243: Funny Books

As we begin this week’s show, we have an interview with Michael Gerber who is publishing The American Observer

This leads to Joe and Cory!! talking about funny books. Not not just Comics but comics that are supposed to be FUNNY! They talk about the ones from the past they liked, the ones now they ike, hwo comic book fans react to comedy in comics and is there a place in the market for Funny Comic Books! They also discuss:

  • Joe went to see Batman vs Superman and gives his review. He and Cory!! also discuss superhero movie problems, what works and what doesn’t.
  • Why Joe didn’t care for humor comics
  • Cory guesses one of the humor comics Joe loved
  • Joe actually preferred Crazy to MAD. What the flaming blue hell?
  • The 80’s parody comics boom
  • Ambush Bug!
  • Joe’s Julie Schwartz story
  • Cory explains why he still hasn’t seen WrestleMania
  • Freaking and Geeking

All of this, the usual shenanigans and, as always, much, much more!

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 242: Bring Out The Gimp.

Cory!! is sick, Joe is drunk and Jin is tired, so we’re not firing on all cylinders this week, but we soldier on! They do eventually get to talking comics as Cory!! goes over the highlights of Rebirth, and Cory!! and Joe discuss having returnable books help a comic shop or a publisher sell more comics.

  • The crew talks a bit about their various church experiences lately
  • Joe and Cory!!review the comic: Don’t Mess With US which is available via Kickstarter or here:
  • Jin has joined a CONSPIRACY!
  • Jin also appeared on Panel and Pizza, and you can listen to it here:
  • This also leads to a discussion on pizza…no rant this time, however, just a disagreements. And remember, Chicago Pizzas are the best. SUCK IT, NEW YORK!
  • Cory!! throws down about how Jin and Joe are trying to take over the show and he completely loses his crap over their coup d’etat.
  • The difference between returnable books and books that are overshipped
  • Joe talks about ideas he had for Hot Comics that he didn’t implement

Freaking and Geeking, sickness, shenanigans and much, much more!!

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 9489: 24 Hours of Nostalgia!

Due to a time warp or a wormhole or some sort of thing, we present Kray Z Comics and Stories 9489: 24 Hours of Nostalgia!

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