Monthly Archives: June 2012

Kray Z Comics and Stories 74a: Viva Las Vegas

This is a correction to the original file.

We find out Joe’s big secret from last episode at the very beginning of the show. SPOILER don’t look at the title of the episode if you want to be surprised. Being Minnesotan, we talk weather at the beginning of the show, and how Cory had to spend hours in a bathroom with 6 Developmentally Disabled adults when bad weather hits. Good times, good times.

Topics covered this week include:

  • Joe talks about what’s been reading, including a novelization of a movie. I was amazed that they still do those, and now Joe has shown us that at least one person still reads them.
  • Geeking and freaking:
  • Joe’s still geeking on the Babylon 5 interview books
  • Cory’s geeking on “Ends of the Earth” story on Spider-Man and the book Collapse
  • They discuss the book “Why does Batman Carry Shark Repellant”?
  • Cory is freaking about no more Mad Men for a while, how Howard the Duck is being written in Marvel Zombies
  • They talk sales, how Walking Dead is the number one selling book in July, how DC has lost most of the sales from the new DC Universe.
  • Is it possible to keep readers who come in for an event covered in the news media? Joe and Cory talk about experiences in shops when news stories hit, why the stories hit 2 months before the books come out and if its possible to get those readers to keep coming back.
  • They also discuss Indy comics, digital comics and how retailers might be on borrowed time.
  • A short discussion on Irredeemable
  • In Tales from the shop, we talk Marvel vs DC, Valeria the She Bat, dealing with publishers who wouldn’t accept returns, the Book of Mormon and what comics should be in hotel rooms.

All of this, plus the usual shenanigans and much, much more!

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Episode 73: Sign This!

It’s a NEW Episode, and we start by explaining where we’ve been the last few weeks, and what happened while we weren’t able to record.

Joe’s been away from home for a couple of months, so he picked up his box o’ comics and fills everyone in on what he liked and that he’s regained the reading bug, which went away while he was in Jersey, as well as his will to live. Hey, it’s Jersey, EVERYONE who stays there loses the will to live. They also discuss how both Marvel and DC are building long-term stories, and how DC seems to be editorially driven while Marvel is writer driven.

They also discuss:

  • Before Watchmen AGAIN
  • A local signing by friend of the show Terrance Griep
  • Joe’s old records from the shop
  • Marvel’s subway promotion from the mid 90’s
  • Signings by comic creators in general
  • Freaking and Geeking
  • Cory rants about comics advertising. Again.

All this, the usual shenanigans and the proverbial much, much more!

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