Monthly Archives: January 2017

Kray Z Comics and Stories 287: Tales From The Kray

Joe is back and he’s not apologetic…so will he stay on the show? WE’LL SEE!

We run an ad from a new sponsor!

No, not the World Wide News book you can get from for $10, but Hot Comics West and East from the 90’s!

Joe discusses advertising, and solicitation businesses get for ads and other things. Cory!! and Joe go over the ads he ran, different places he ran ads and how to bring in new customers to your comic shop. They also discuss some of the recent news about digital comics and raising prices at Marvel and DC. They also discuss:

  • Buying Back Issue Comics by the pound
  • Hulk Hogan selling comics?
  • Who are the people who walk the streets in suits selling stuff?
  • The easiest touch for sales
  • Cory!! looking for a job when he first got to Minneapolis
  • The Fuller Brush Man

All of this, the usual shenanigans and the proverbial much, much more!

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 286: Kray-Devil

Joe has been banished from the show. BANISHED!!! For not liking Tim Horton’s and giving away keys to the Solitaire Rose Compound. So, while he’s off retrieving them, we have a special guest in his place: Adam Vermillion from Panels and Pizzas.

They talk about what Adam’s been up to and what it’s like doing a podcast with local Minnesota artists in person, since Cory!! never leaves the compound unless he’s getting paid for it.

Since Adam is on the show, they discuss his favorite comic book character, DareDevil! They talk about hwo Adam started reading the character, his highs and lows and runs of the series they they enjoyed and didn’t enjoy all that much. They also discuss:

  • Cory discusses the origins of Daredevil from the Pulps
  • The typical Marvel super-hero characterization of the 70’s and now
  • What comics did Stan Lee sign that he worked on in the 50’s
  • How Adam started reading comics
  • Cory!! still hates Transformers, even when Joe isn’t on the show
  • Cory!! and Adam bond over their love of Josie and Pussycats
  • They go over the first issues they’ve been reading lately

All of this, different shenanigans than you’re sued to and the proverbial much, much more!

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 285: This Ain’t A Library, Kid!

Ross Richie of Boom Studios has sent out the call to help your local comic shops, and Joe and Cory!! are ready to help you help them.  They discuss 10 books each you can pick up that you may have missed that are sitting on your local shop’s shelves, ready to go home with you!  They also discuss:

  • Are there too many conventions?
  • Are office jobs just an excuse to get together and eat?
  • Joe screws up and let’s Cory!! know he has a key to his place.
  • Joe doesn’t like Tim Horton’s. He may not be on the show any more.
  • Cory!! has an old school rant about the anti-Stan Lee people

All of this, the usual shenanigans and the proverbial much, much more!

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Solitaire Rose Radio 65: Interview With Professional Wrestler Danny Warren

Danny Warren is a Canadian professional wrestler who travels across Canada and the US, runs his own wrestling promotion, and is putting on a Convention on February 18th in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada! Cory!! discusses his early career, starting a convention, building a following, and what the professional wrestling business is for someone on their way up the ladder. Even if you don’t know much about wrestling, you’ll love this look at a man who has spent years pursuing his dream, and how he’s build a new kind of business by doing so!

Link to Canadian Wrestling Elite:

Watch their TV show on You Tube:

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Kray Z Comics And Stories 284: Rogue Kray: A Star Wars Story

How did Cory!! and Joe spend New Year’s eve? Working! Cory got to miss a meal and Joe ate a meal he shouldn’t have. But that’s not what this podcast is about. It’s about comics…so they’re gonna talk Star Wars! There are nothin’ but spoilers about Rogue One and other Star Wars stories. Did you know Luke and Leia are siblings? They talk in depth about their feelings on the movie, how it affects the franchise, and what it means to the comics and novels! They also talk about:

  • Why Joe is the Leftover King
  • They try to steal the thunder of Pizza and Panels podcast by talking pizza
  • They discuss what possible Star Wars anthology films could be coming next
  • Can a Darth Vader movie work?
  • What do they want in a Han Solo movie
  • Where should the Star Wars comics go from here
  • A brief history less on on Harvey Kurtzman’s magazine Trump

There’s also freaking and geeking, the usual shenanigans and the proverbial much, much more!

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Solo Joe #3 The Secret Origins of Hot Comics St Paul, or How to open a shop with your friend and not go Krayz!

Another Solo Joe! But not just ANY Solo Joe:

You’ve heard over and over about Hot Comics St. Paul. Now here the SECRET ORIGINS of just how Joe and Pat realized their lifelong dream of owning a comic book store! Part one of this two-part tale includes:

  • *Pat and Joe’s Secret Comic Book Origin (Their first comic book!)
  • *How the Dynamic Duo met in High School!
  • *The first comic book they bought for investment!
  • *Tales of their first comic cons, including the ill-fated Wisconsin Dells trip!
  • *The infamous “X” collection!

Plus the steps taken up to that first fateful day they took over the comic shop! A virtual primer on how to own your own! All this, and much more, FREE for your downloading pleasure!

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 283: Tell Me Somethin’ Good 2017

Winter is HERE as the year ends, with blizzards, insanely cold temps and other things that that winter brings like READING COMIC BOOKS! 2016 was a gut wrenching nightmare of a year, so as we bury it alive and ignore its cries as it begs to be let out, so instead we turn to 2017! Joe and Cory!! talk about what they are looking forward to for the coming year. They also discuss:

  • Cory!! does some binge watching that triggers Joe to use his degree in Political Science.
  • Joe asks Cory!! about Cinemascope and he gives a history lesson because he’s a pain in the ass like that, especially since he got it confused with Cinerama. Cinemascope was the 1 camera version of that
  • They talk upcoming vacations
  • Cory!! is excited about what is probably a summer crossover with Captain America
  • They discuss the reprints they are excited about for the year.

All of this, the usual shenanigans and the proverbial much, much more!

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