Monthly Archives: December 2010

Kray Z Comics and Stories 31: Blizzard Reading

We start with letting the listeners know what is going on in Minnesota with HUGE amounts of snow, and how it has affected the show. After our ads, we get into discussing COMICS NEWS:

-JMS is off of Superman and Wonder Woman

-Sales charts are out, and again nothing is selling over 100k, and we talk for quite a while about the state of comics sales.

-Marvel announced prices for a set of mini-series.

Then, we discuss Joe’s latest attempt to get out of town for a far off assignment, and how that fell apart and he wasn’t even able to get home due to the Minneapolis Blizzard.

Finally, after all of this discussion, we get to the theme of the episode, Winter Reading. Everyone talks about summer reading/beach books…light reading that’s fun on a beach or whatever. Winter, however, is when you read Big, Thick Serious Books. So, Joe and I discuss some of our favorite Big Thick, Meaningful comics!

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 30: Season 2

We start by explaining Joe’s technical difficulties that have kept our dynamic duo from recording. Then, we catch up on Cory!!’s job hunting, giving horror stories of on-line job applications and bad interviews….during which they are interrupted by breaking news, Syfy has announced their Movie Schedule for the next few months. Joe then lets us know what he’s been doing at his job, and why he’s now thought of as a “junk collector.”

Then, finally, we get to comics discussion, like the Walking Dead TV series, the big book of DC Comics history, and believe it or not, this leads to a discussion of Marvel’s “Fan Clubs” like the Mighty Marvel Marching Society, FOOM and WAM. When we get to what we’re reading, we discuss the big change in Spider-Man.

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