Monthly Archives: April 2018

Kray Z Comics and Stories 352: Fave Five Comics Book Based Movies

Last week, Cory!! and Joe talked about their five favorite (and one they hated) comic book related TV series, now, they do the same thing for movies!  And, you know how we have the snarky “they also discussed” part of these listings?  They stayed on topic!  Joe must be on medication!  They discuss the topic, have the usual shenanigans and much, much more!

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 351: Fave Five Comics Based TV Series

Minnesota had a blizzard, so, as TRUE Minnesotans, Joe and Cory!! have to discuss it in detail, where Joe talks about the airport he works at closing, and Cory!! talks about the struggle to get to work in the snow. But what do people do when they are snowed in? Binge TV shows! That means Cory!! and Joe talk about their five favorite (and one they hated) comic book related TV series! Looking for something to binge? DVDs to buy? Stuff that’s fun to watch? Cory!! and Joe talk about all sorts of series! They also discuss:

  • What happened during the blizzard 35 years ago
  • Why does Cory!! need to get his car repaired already?
  • OK, for once they stay on topic. which makes it impossible for me to write up these teases.

Mike DeCarlo’s gofundme:

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 350: We Did 350 of These Things?

All sorts of comics news this week with the Diamond Summit for comic book retailers. So, a lot of news has come out on the retail end, and Cory!! and Joe break down the big stories. They discuss how the Amazon/Comicsology comics pricing controversy, Brian Hibbs’s reaction to it, and more.

Then, they go through the new Previews to talk about comics coming out in June. They also discuss:

  • Cory!! and Joe want a Wikipedia page in celebration of their 350th episode!
  • How Brian Hibbs is fighting back against Marvel
  • Why there are no more “hot comics”.
  • They discuss Marvel Mart from the 90’s again
  • New publishers in the front of the Previews

All of this, the usual shenanigans and the proverbial much, much more!

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 349: Fantastic Three Forty Nine

The Fantastic Four is coming back, baybee, and Joe and Cory!! have GOT to talk about that! They talk about what they want as fans, how to make the book work in the modern era. They also discuss the history of the series, and how it went from one of Marvel’s top books to one of their midline books.

DC is also starting a new line of graphic novels for the Young Adult book market, and Joe and Cory!! discuss that stuff as well. They also talk about:

  • Joe says that the Lee/Kirby run of the Fantastic Four isn’t classic, and Cory!! doesn’t drive to his house and beat him with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire.
  • Byrne’s run on the Fantastic Four, and what his favorite era was
  • How should the main four characters be portrayed
  • The death of the Inhumans
  • What villains should they face?
  • How does a comic shop owner stock graphic novels for the most impact

All of this, the usual shenanigans and much, much more!

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 248: A Kick In The Infinity Stones

We’re talking Infinity Gems…er…stones….soul gems? They started in The Power of Warlock and now are powering the upcoming Avengers movie Avengers, Infinity War. Cory!!, Joe and special guest Dangerous Dan Mohr discuss their history in the Marvel Universe, as well as their history in Marvel publishing. They also discuss:

  • Was GI Joe in the Marvel Universe?
  • Did anyone play with the gems at Marvel after Starlin left?
  • Why no one brought back Thanos before Starling did in his Silver Surfer comic.
  • How Galactus gets indigestion
  • When the Soul Gems were renamed the Infinity Gems
  • The origin of the Infinity Gauntlet!!
  • What happened to the Infinity gems after the Gauntlet and how did the Ultraverse get involved?
  • Lord Pumpkin is a part of this story. Lord. Pumpkin.
  • The Illuminati get their hands on the gems
  • What happens with the gems during and after  Secret Wars?

All of this, the usual shenanigans and the proverbial much, much more!

Dan and Wolfie will be back in Bad Advice: A podcast in the Solitaire Rose Network!

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