Monthly Archives: August 2016

Kray Z Comics and Stories 265 Summer Va-KRAY-tion

Joe was off for a week, so he and Cory!! talk about what they did on their summer vacation as well as:

  • Cory!! discusses the Mad Magazine Board game and playing it on camera at Lion Con
  • Cory!! gives advice to comic shop owners around the world
  • Joe tells his tale of horror as he was not able to visit a comic shop on his vacation.
  • Joe talks about his time away from the internet
  • Cory!! discusses the Ed Brubaker run on the X-Men
  • They discuss the dearth of classic underground comix available in trade paperbacks
  • And after the endcap music, Cory!! fills you in on his big announcement from Lion Con

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Solitaire Rose Radio 60: Artist Jayro Lantigua

Cory was introduced to Jayro’s work on the episode of Kray Z Comics and Stories where they discussed artist who need more attention, and was blown away by his work. It’s unique, interesting and shows influences from outside of comic books and more from 90’s animation. Jayro himself is an interesting person as well, driving himself to work on his art while keeping a full time job because he3 is driven to create.

You’ll be interested in his story and his art as you get to know more about him in the far ranging interview.

Visit him at his website:

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 264: Vacationing Kray

Kray is out of town, but the show must go on, so we’ve got substitute host Dangerous Dan Mohr! That’s how easy you can replaced on this show, so Cory!! better look the hell out as he can be replaced with a damp mop. Dan and Cory!! talk about the upcoming Lion Con appearance, and interview the Head Poo-Bah of Lion Con himself Justin Willard:

  • The Hasbro universe coming together at IDW
  • Cory!! explains why the DC Universe didn’t really come together until the 70’s
  • Why Gotham is giving people cognitive dissonance
  • Fixing the problem with the DC movies vs the DC TV shows
  • Dan breaking the rule of improv to mess with a fellow cartoonist
  • Dan tells stories about working at The Source in St Paul and some Nick Post stories.

There’s also freaking and geeking and the usual much, much more!

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 263: Certified Geeks and Bona Fied Nerds

Blizzard World is in the books, so Cory!! gives an update on the convention and then he and Joe talk smaller conventions, odd places where they have found comics and more! Their topics are:

  • When is a good time to put on a comic convention.
  • Cory!! tried a new opening for the show which critics call “Embarrassing”
  • Why dealers are never happy.
  • They review the first trade paperback of Wynonna Earp
  • Joe discusses the “Marketplace” comic conventions of the 90’s
  • Tiny comics shops in Central Illinois
  • Why it takes a long time to build an audience for a convention
  • Cory!! praises the work of Lance Ward, who chatted with him at Blizzard World, and you can see his work at

There’s also freaking and geeking and the usual much, much more!

Cory will be appearing at LionCon: 8/27/2016

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 262: Comic Crap

The show is invaded by the folks over at Wrestlecrap Radio, RD Reynolds and Blade Braxton as Kray Z has surpassed their number of episodes! They discuss how Wrestlecrap Radio came to be, how they were an inspiration of Kray Z and all sorts of other stuff. But, we have them here to judge Which Comic Is The Worst!

  • Cory!! chooses Skateman by Neal Adams
  • Joe chooses DeathMate (of Course)
  • Jin chooses the Nancy Comic Strip!


  • You’ll have to listen to find out. They also discuss:

    If the crickets were traitors

  • Just how much did Cory!! borrow from their show
  • RD and Jin decide that maybe they shouldn’t be on these two podcasts
  • My Space Karaoke is brought up
  • Joe gets Cory!! talking about Steve Gerber again

All of this, extra shenanigans and much, much more!

Cory will be appearing at LionCon: 8/27/2016

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Solitaire Rose Radio 59: An Interview with Liz Safian Berube

I told someone earlier this week that while I joking call myself and my podcast a National Treasure, but Liz Safian Berube is the Real Deal and is a bona fide National Treasure. She worked as a colorist for Archie and DC, her own comic strip and countless pages for the DC Romance comics. I sit down with her to talk about her life, her art and all sorts of other things. Most comic book fans don’t know a lot about the type of work she did, so settle in and listen to one of the most interesting people I have ever talked to. I hope you think so too.

Liz’s Facebook page

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