Monthly Archives: October 2020

Kray Z Comics and Stories 482: Joe’s Sketchbook 2 – Electric Boogaloo

The Dreaded Deadline Doom has hit and we are using one of our Fill in Episodes. This time, Joe and Cory!! go through Joe’s sketchbook and the stories behind the sketches. You can follow along:

We get into the art of:

Gordon Purcell

Gary Hartle

Fabian Nieceza

Paul Fricke

Scott Beaderstat

Neil Gaiman

Dan Jurgens

Ron Frenz

Chris Claremont

Stan Lee

Joseph Michael Linsner

John Romita Jr.

No Sketch Jim Lee

They also discuss:

  • Cory!! has a new title
  • Joe made the recording late
  • Joe goes over some of the notes he has found from the early days of purchasing Hot Comics in 1992-3
  • Joe had better hope that his beloved wife does NOT listen to this podcast
  • Cory discusses Snakes on a Plane
  • How were Sandman sales when it was a comic book?

All of this, the usual shenanigans, and much, much more!

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 481: Previews October 2020

It’s time for Joe and Cory!! to go through Previews, the catalog of upcoming comics, and let you know what looks cool! We dig through the over 500 page catalog to find the new comics and books that we are interested in and you might be as well!! They also discuss:

  • A reader sends in an Ask The Strode about Saturday Morning Comic #1 from Marvel
  • Joe and Cory!! talk alternative radio in the 90’s in the Twin Cites and how much they loved Rev 10 and how it led to Public Radio’s service The Current
  • Dark Horse’s last comic based on the Alien movies, and Marvel’s first collection based on it all come out the same month.
  • Cory!! does DC all on his own
  • Wait, Chris Claremont works for Marvel exclusively?
  • A rant on how Marvel screwed up the Hobgoblin character

No ads this time, but instead, GO VOTE! You can learn how at

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 480: Nerdin’ Out Road Trip

A NEW comic shop, Nerdin’ Out, opened in the Twin Cities, so Cory!!, Joe, and Butch hit the road to see what they’ve got as well as Cedar Cliff Collectibles, and Nostalgia Zone! Once again, you get to ride along. They alos discuss:

  • Cory asks Butch and Joe how they find new bands.
  • Why Cory and Joe never went into radio as a profession
  • We were asked to explain our connection to the 1994 Roger Corman Fantastic Four movie (which we proved a couple of years ago is the greatest super-hero movie ever made)
  • We talk about not being able to get into Dreamhaven
  • Our trip to Nostalgia Zone
  • Our trip to Cedar Cliff Collectibles
  • Early Days of Joe owning Hot Comics St Paul
  • Butch finally got his Ka-Zar comic

All of this, more than the usual shenanigans and much, much more!

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Kray Z Comics and Stories 479: Gerry Conway’s Comic Publisher Plan

First, Cory!! and Joe review one f the book in the book series Ch05sen. You can buy the book from Amazon here, and here is more information on t he series from its Facebook page:

Gerry Conway, comics and TV writer, recently put out his idea for what should happen with the comic book industry. Cory!! and Joe disagree, and go through the flaws in his argument and go over what they think can “save” the comic book industry.

They talk briefly about how Donald Trump is helping publishing

Cory!! talks comic book lettering, what works and what doesn’t.

Who was DC comics publishing for in the 60’s?

How to tell how comics sell by looking at the shelves at the local Barnes and Noble

We aren’t doing ads until the election. Instead, go to

All of this, the usual shenanigans and much, much more!!

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